2014-02-10 09.30.53

30 mars 2010

Thanks to your help and suggestions given in emails and on the forum, we just released a new Help support. It is more complete than the last one, as it also gives a lot of tips such as how to insert comments on the curves, set objectives, download data, generate growth curves, etc. You can open it from your dashboard, by clicking on “Help Wizard”.

Besides, we took care to added questions we frequently get about the scale’s usage. For instance: what is the athlete mode? How can I change the units measure? Is it possible to keep my data to myself so that my wife/husband can’t criticize me? …. . As a matter of fact, this support is also a user manual. It’s been organized just like a first time user experience.

The Help support is divided into five sections. The first one, Setup, is about the installation process. Then, it is declined between Use of the body scale, Use of the dashboard and Troubleshooting. The last section, Fitness and Health, gives tips about a good weigh-in.

Check it out and tell us what you think!