It’s now even easier to follow your weight trend!

6 juillet 2010

As announced in the blog post about the iPad app, you can now display your moving average curve in your graph. It’s the white line that you can see below As announced in the blog post about the iPad app, you can now display your moving average curve in your graph. It’s the white line that you can see below :

The goal is to extract the trend beneath all the daily variations. For instance, when you are weighing in twice a day, you get a lot of data and they can vary from a few hundred grams to 1.5 kilos. Therefore, it is easy to get lost and to be confused regarding the long term direction of your weight. The moving average helps you to see your global weight trend.

Its formula has two main principles. First, it attaches more importance to your former weigh-ins’ average, so that the daily measurements are wreathed. Second, it balances the weigh-ins that are really different from the global average, to reduce the impact of a onetime self-indulgence 🙂

To activate / deactivate the moving average, click on the box on the right hand corner of your screen. :

The goal is to extract the trend beneath all the daily variations. For instance, when you are weighing in twice a day, you get a lot of data and they can vary from a few hundred grams to 1.5 kilos. Therefore, it is easy to get lost and to be confused regarding the long term direction of your weight. The moving average helps you to see your global weight trend.

Its formula has two main principles. First, it attaches more importance to your former weigh-ins’ average, so that the daily measurements are wreathed. Second, it balances the weigh-ins that are really different from the global average, to reduce the impact of a onetime self-indulgence 🙂

To activate / deactivate the moving average, click on the box on the right hand corner of your screen.