Fresh look for Home page and Dutch is now available !

27. November 2009

We released today a new design for our home page!

We aimed at a fresh look and a fun way to show the WiFi Body Scale in action. Also share with you what our users like the most about the WiFi Body Scale: its design, simplicity, easy accessibility of data. The review section displays a few of the many world-famous websites (Wired, Engadget, CNET…) that have written about the WiFi Body Scale.

As always, we wellcome your feedback: Tell us what do you think about this !

Another milestone : Withings is now available in Dutch! Which makes the service now available in 6 different languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Dutch).

Last but not least, we are running a 10% promotion this week end for Black Friday! I you are thinking of a healthy gift for someone you care about, or if you feel like you’ve eaten too much Turkey for Thanks Giving, it’s time to order the Withings Wifi Body Scale 🙂 !