A user of the Wifi body scale develops a gadget for Windows

21. Dezember 2009

„In the Suggestions forum, a user named Greg suggested that a Windows gadget would be useful. As a customer, I thought this was a cool idea and I happen to have gadget development experience so I whipped together a quick gadget.“ says „anderdb“, a user of the Wifi body scale, on our developer’s forum.

To download this free gadget for windows (vista and 7) developed by anderdb, click here

This gadget (see the picture) is the one of the numerous cool gadgets developed by the users of the Wifi body scale. We remind you that our API is available and documented here.

For the moment Windows developers have been faster than Mac developers, but time will tell who will be the best at harnessing the power of the Wifi Body Scale and its API 😉

This gadget displays the weight, fat mass, fat % and the date and time of the latest measurement. It can also display your graphs, and there is a link to your dashboard (my.withings.com)

Your health history is now accessible in one clic, thanks anderdb!