2014-02-09 11.42.53

18. Februar 2010

If, like me, you think losing weight is like a battle, well I’m proud to present nowadays’ weapons. Withings body scale obviously could stand for a shield and your iPhone and CaloryGuard 2 is the sword you need!

CaloryGard 2 is an iPhone app that launches today its new release: CaloryGuard 2.7. Among other improvements, your Withings measures can be automatically synchronized.

CaloryGuard calculates your personal daily calorie needs and manages your daily meals and sports activities. CaloryGuard can also help you to identify low-calorie and healthy food by marking every meal with a green, yellow or red smiley. Last but not least, by using the built-in statistics, you can follow how your eatings habits and your weight change.

Made by the German company called BlueBamboo, this intuitive app is a reference for people looking for fitness and health support.

To get more information about the others features, don’t hesitate to visit their website http://www.bluebamboo.de/