Why is measuring the humidity level in a room important for a baby?

March 30, 2012

One of the features of the Smart Baby Monitor allows parents to check the temperature and level of humidity in baby’s room. While it’s easy to see why temperature can affect baby’s health or comfort, some might be wondering about the significance of humidity for a newborn. Here are a few answers.

Humidity is seldom an issue for healthy adult bodies who usually don’t have too much trouble adapting to varying humidity levels, or simply shrugging off the symptoms they cause. Babies however are more sensitive and need to be kept in a controlled environment whenever possible. Low humidity may cause irritation on the throat and eyes and result in coughs. High humidity on the other hand may cause a runny nose and creates favorable conditions for the development of fungus or dust mites, which in turn may cause allergies. Doctors recommend keeping the humidity level in baby’s room between 50 and 70%.


There are several ways to decrease the humidity in a room: the most common is too simply turn up the heater. If it’s already too hot, you can also buy some water-absorbing crystals in most retail stores for a few dollars.

Increasing the humidity can be trickier. Simply putting a water recipient in the room often doesn’t help much, so if you have already turned off the heater the only solution might be to purchase a dedicated humidifier, although you should make sure first that the noise it will makes does not cause more problems than it solves for baby’s comfort.

If you have any other questions related to humidity and baby’s health that isn’t answered here, feel free to ask them in the comments!

Susie Felber

Susie is a writer and producer who has worked in nearly every medium. As the daughter of a hard-working M.D., she's had a lifelong interest in health and is proud that she continues to lower her 5k time as she ages.
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