Cutest Baby Photo Contest: 3 Wireless Scales at stake!

September 18, 2012

For September, we have prepared a “Cutest B@by Photo Contest” for the many users of the Smart Baby Monitor.


Think your baby is the cutest on Earth? 🙂 Enter our “Cutest B@by Photo Contest” for a chance to win one of the 3 Wireless Scales at stake!

1. Take a photo of your baby, next to a Smart Baby Monitor. You may also take a photo of your baby using the screenshot function of the WithBaby app.

2. Email us the photo at:

3. We’ll upload the photos to a dedicated board on
Pinterest so you can repin them. 

4. The 3 persons whose photos have been repinned the most win a Wireless Scale!



Details of the photo contest
– Photo submissions: you have until Thursday 27th 2012 to submit your photo (12AM Central European Time).
– Pinning frenzy: from Friday 28th until October 5th 2012 (12AM C.E.T.).
– Results will be announced in the following week.
– Three Wireless Scales (WS-30) will be sent out to the winners mid-October.

The WS-30 is the next generation of connected scales

What makes this Wireless Scale so special compared to the other Withings connected scales? Click here to find out!


Here are the 3 of the first submissions!

Photo: Thomas Linhardt

Photo: Isabelle Morasse (taken with the WithBaby app!)


Photo: Tom Stukel


Some more photos of cute babies!

Photo: Kathrin Eingrüber

Photo: Janine-Jessner

Photo: Janine-Jessner

Photo: Elijah Nicolas


Photo: Thomas Linhardt

Photo: Hellen Small

Photo: Hellen Small

Photo: Hellen Small




Susie Felber

Susie is a writer and producer who has worked in nearly every medium. As the daughter of a hard-working M.D., she's had a lifelong interest in health and is proud that she continues to lower her 5k time as she ages.
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