Withings’ biggest weight losers (testimonials)

November 8, 2012

Some Withingers have gone a long way… Losing 10, 20, 30 and even 40 kilograms! Here are a few “big loser” testimonials. This kind of lifestyle change doesn’t come easy, but they are positive: their Withings bathroom scale helped them. Hear it directly from them… And don’t hesitate to send us your story too!


Martin Weber

“The Withings scale was not the only thing that helped me – changing attitude a little was also beneficial. The result of 81 kg is great, in my view 🙂 – now I find it much easier to practice sports (jogging, biking, etc.) and thus maintain the desired weight goal.”

“Nicht nur die Withingswaage hat mir geholfen, sondern auch die innere Einstellung etwas zu verändern. Das Ergebnis von 81 kg ist auch aus meiner Sicht toll 🙂 – nun fällt es mir auch viel einfacher Sport (Jogging, Radfahren, etc.) zu treiben und somit das angestrebte Ziel zu halten.”

“Non seulement la balance Withings m’a aidé, mais changer l’attitude un peu à aussi été bénéfique. Le résultat de 81 kg est énorme, à mon avis 🙂 – maintenant je trouve ça beaucoup plus facile de faire du sport (jogging, vélo, etc.) et maintenir ainsi l’objectif de poids souhaité.”



Patrick Wyss

“I’ve lost nearly 40 kilograms in the past 2 years. Thanks to the Withings scale I can always look at my chart. I feel great…”

“Ich habe in den letzten 2 Jahren knapp 40 Kilogramm abgenommen. Dank der Withings-Waage kann ich jederzeit mein Diagramm bestaunen. Ich fühle mich grossartig…”

“J’ai perdu près de 40 kilos dans la dernière année du deuxième Merci à la balance Withings je peux toujours regarder mon tableau. Je me sens bien …”




Alexandre Emond

“I’ve lost 38 kg in one year with the practice of sport 4 times a week. I checked my weight twice a week to validate my efforts, keep my motivation and see my weight go down. Now i am a new men. Thanks you Withings ;-)”

“Ich habe 38 kg in einem Jahr verlor die Ausübung von Sport 4 mal pro Woche. Ich habe mein Gewicht zweimal pro Woche, um meine Bemühungen zu validieren, so haltet meine Motivation und meine Gewicht nach unten gehen. Jetzt bin ich ein neuer Männer. Thanks you Withings ;-)”

“J’ai perdu 38 kg en un an avec la pratique du sport 4 fois par semaine. J’ai vérifié mon poids deux fois par semaine pour valider mes efforts, garder ma motivation et voir mon poids descendre. Maintenant, je suis un homme nouveau. Merci à vous Withings ;-)”


Adam Brown
” I just completed P90X which capped off a year of losing weight and getting back in shape. I’ve got a +Withings scale that recorded every weigh in, so I have a graph to show for it, and some before and after pictures from P90X. In the end I lost 46 lbs and put on a little muscle, so I’m pretty happy with the results! “



Vote for your favorite “big weight loser”

We are running a photo contest on our Facebook page. Martin, Patrick and Alexandre have all three submitted their “weight loss curve” and are competing to win one of the 3 Wireless Scales at stake! To win you must be in the Top 3 of most voted for photos. It ends November 15th 2012 so hurry up!


The Withings Weight Loss Hall of Fame

Click here or on this picture to access our Pinterest board dedicated to weight loss. Congratulations to all these Withingers who have achieved such a big lifestyle change!

You’ve lost weight too? Do you want to enter our “Hall of Fame”? You can do this several ways…

  • Tweet your weight curve with the #TurnOnYourWellBeing hashtag and a sentence explaining how Withings helped you.
  • Send us an email at community@withings.com, with your weight curve and your testimonial. Of course, the best visual looks like some of these above: the weight curve is framed by two “before and after” photos of yourself. But if you don’t feel like exposing yourself, just send us your weight curve (from My.Withings, the WiScale app or the Health Companion app).
  • Add it on one of your Pinterest boards, and send us the link so we can repin it!




Previously published testimonials from Withings users

Click here to see them.