Following talks with a brand with legal concerns, Withings made the decision to slightly change the name of the Pulse O2* to Pulse Ox in certain regions.
For your information, there are no differences between the original Pulse, the Pulse O2 and the Pulse Ox. They all have the same specifications and offer the same advanced activity, sleep and vital sign
United States
For US customers, there is no change. The Pulse O2* remains the Pulse O2*.
For European customers, Withings’ original activity tracker is now called Pulse Ox.
We chose Ox not only because it refers to Oxygen, but also because it evokes Pulse Oximetry, which happens to be our activity tracker’s differentiating feature!
*Formerly known as the Pulse O2. The O2 Telecommunications Group, known as “O2”, does not endorse this product.