On November 20, 2014, Withings made a $10,000 donation to ChildObesity180. For those of you who may have missed it, the donation came from the weeklong Steps For Change Challenge. From November 2-8 Withings Pulse and in-app tracking users has the option to have their steps contribute to a donation to CO180. We finished off the challenge with a fun Stairmaster event at Boston’s historic Faneuil Hall. Among the people that participated were colonial tour guides, health gurus, and the hard workers at CO180 themselves!
ChildObesity180 at Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition is a national leader in childhood obesity prevention. Their leading-edge approach blends scientific evidence and rigor with innovation and experience from the private sector to develop, implement, evaluate, and scale high-impact initiatives that will reach 80% of children ages 5-12 in the U.S. ChildObesity180 was a natural fit for Withings to support, as we are dedicated to inspiring health in our users, and they are dedicated to inspiring health in children.
The funds generated from the Steps For Change challenge will support the ChildObesity180’s Active Schools Acceleration Project. ASAP is increasing quality physical activity in America’s schools by identifying innovative solutions and empowering schools with the tools and resources to replicate proven models. Accelerating the pace of change, ASAP is demonstrating across the country that fun, quality physical activity is a fundamental component of what defines a great school.
The smiling faces of the ChildObesity180 team!
We would like to thank all our users who participated in the challenge and hope you will join us for future initiatives. As for our new friends at ChildObesity180, we loved supporting you and are very much looking forward to future partnerships!