Christmas is all about family and togetherness. It’s also a time of year that is filled with delicious temptations at every turn. Cakes and cookies, potlucks at work, eggnog and homemade fudge all begging you to abandon your diet – just for a few days. With the help of these nine tips, you can survive Christmas without gaining weight!
1. Everything in moderation
We always want what we can’t have, and holiday foods are no exception to this rule. Split a treat with your coworker or have a smaller portion of your favorite dessert. You’ve madeSanta’s nice list this year, it’s okay to indulge in a few sips of eggnog! Depriving yourself of these treats will only make you want them more, and could lead to frustration and overeating.
2. Whistle, don’t nibble while you work
Are you the family’s go to chef? Are your holiday spreads the stuff of legends? Even if you’re the Iron Chef of Christmas, resist the urge to nibble as you go. You’re much more likely to consume additional calories if you can’t see everything you’re eating. To help avoid these temptations, chew gum, eat a mint, or drink tea as you work.
3. Create a New Tradition
Does your family play board games every Christmas while nibbling on snacks? Suggest a healthier alternative this year. Starting the family’s first annual flag football game or choreographing a family dance allows for calorie burning togetherness!
4. Drink Some Water
Water is your friend! Not only does water help you to stay hydrated, it also helps you to feel full, decreasing the likelihood that you’ll singlehandedly make that tray of Christmas cookies disappear!
5. Savor the Experience
One of the best things about Christmas foods is that it is usually eaten only on Christmas. Take some time to enjoy these once a year delicacies and make sure you eat slowly to savor the experience. Not only will eating slowly heighten your enjoyment, it will also help you consume less calories.
6. Get In Your Steps
Your goal of 10,000 steps a day shouldn’t take a vacation around Christmas. In fact, getting your steps in now is even more important. Parking as far away from the door as possible, taking the stairs and doing an extra loop around the mall while window shopping are all great ways to get those steps up while running Christmas errands. Suggesting a group walk after dinner is a great way to digest, spend time with family, and help reach 10,000 steps.
7. Don’t Starve Yourself
Many people try to severely limit what they eat in the days leading up to a party, with the belief that they’ll have the flexibility to eat the extra calories because of their earlier efforts. Unfortunately, this may lead to binging on holiday food and eating more calories. Instead, eat moderately in the days leading up to the event so that you do not feel deprived.
8. Take a Look Back
Do you remember when you first started working toward your fitness goals? Remember how great your body felt and the motivation that kept you off the couch and on the move? Don’t forget about all the hard work you’ve put in to get where you are now. It’s much easier to maintain healthy habits than it is to restart them.
9. Lean on your friends
Struggling not to become one with your mom’s entire apple pie? Call or text a friend who knows your fitness goals and can help you stay on track. Hearing a friendly can be a great way to help you avoid temptation. Plus, positive encouragement from a friend will be much better received than snide comments from Uncle George! Learn more about how social networks can help you stay fit here.