If you want to improve your health but find yourself short on time or unable to make a huge commitment, consider these 10 easy tips to help get you closer to your goals without a huge lifestyle overhaul.
1. Weigh Yourself Every Day
Weighing yourself every morning can help you keep track of your daily habits. It can give you insight into whether your actions are having a positive impact on your body, or whether they’re holding you back. According to Cornell professor, David Levitsky, “stepping on the scales should be like brushing your teeth.” So don’t be afraid to add it to your morning routine!
Related: Withings advanced Wi-Fi scales that keep track for you
2. Snack On Some Veggies

With a busy lifestyle, it can be easy to do what’s fast instead of what’s healthy, especially when it comes to food. Unfortunately, that means vegetables often go ignored; but, by skipping veggies, you’re also skipping important nutrients and vitamins. The USDA reports that not only are vegetables important for reducing the risks of chronic diseases, they’re also helpful in lowering your calorie intake, which can help you maintain a healthy weight. Veggies are low in fat and calories, high in fiber, and fill you up faster than junk food.
3. Take a Walk At Lunchtime
According to the New York Times, a study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine found that people who walked during their lunch hour not only reported increased positivity and enthusiasm, but less tension throughout the day as well. A walk can also help you manage weight, lower blood pressure and strengthen your bones. Not only that, but walking outdoors can get you away from your dingy desk and into the sunshine!
4. Turn Off All Electronics 30 Minutes Before Bed
With laptops and smart phones it can be easy to drag our gadgets into the bedroom with us. However, according to WebMD, these devices emit blue light, so using them before bed can inhibit the production of melatonin in your brain. This keeps you alert and awake. If you use your phone as an alarm clock, turn off text and email notifications when it’s time to sleep, and leave it out of your bed and on your nightstand or dresser.
5. Get a Full Eight Hours of Sleep
Sleep is a time for your body to cleanse and recharge itself for the coming day, so it’s important not to miss out on your zzz’s. Maintaining a healthy sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day can help you feel more rested and improve your mood. According to the National Sleep Foundation, the average adult requires around eight hours of sleep per night, so if possible, try to pick a bedtime for yourself and stick to it.
6. Schedule Regular Doctor Appointments
Too many of us only go to the doctor’s office when we’re sick, but making regular appointments can help prevent future health problems. Doctors can monitor physical health by checking blood pressure and cholesterol levels, taking blood samples, and even screening for potential health risks like cancer or diabetes. Even if you feel great, it never hurts to take a few preventative measures.
7. Get Indoor Plants
The fact that plants help purify the air is commonly known, but did you know they can also sharpen focus and help you work better? A study at the Royal College of Agriculture in England found that students who were taught in classrooms that contained plants were more attentive than those without. Not only that, but different indoor plants come with different benefits. For example, the spider plant can quickly purify the air and remove formaldehyde, while the snake plant can remove nitrogen oxide, a common byproduct of fuel appliances.
8. Check Your Posture
There are too many things in our daily lives that can impact our posture, from hunching over a desk to carrying a heavy backpack. Unless you’re a dancer, posture probably isn’t something you think about too often. But it’s important to remember that bad posture can cause soreness, inhibit movement, which makes you more prone to injuries, and even impact your breathing. It’s a good idea to check in with your posture throughout the day. Plus, standing up straight doesn’t just help your physical health, it can make you look and feel more confident too!
9. Stretch
If you are someone who has difficulty correcting bad posture, stretching might be helpful. Although we usually only think about stretching to warm up or relieve soreness after exercise, finding time to stretch daily could give you a boost. Stretching increases blood flow throughout your body, which allows the brain to get more oxygen and makes you feel more refreshed and alert. According to UC Davis, stretching can calm your mind, release tension and increase energy.
10. Breathe Deeply
If you’ve ever tried yoga, you’ve probably done a few deep-breathing exercises. If you haven’t, it might be worth a shot. Controlled breathing is an activity you can do no matter where you are, and it can have an almost instantaneous impact on your mood. Breathing deeply helps get oxygen into your body and flushes out carbon dioxide. In addition to having cleansing benefits, deep breaths, Forbes reports that it can lower your blood pressure and heart rate and help you manage stress and anxiety.
Even if you can’t follow all ten health tips, adopting just one or two is a great step towards a healthier lifestyle and a happier day.