“Sleeping on it” may be helpful for soothing stress and bringing new perspective to a situation, but it’s also vital to our health. A multitude of studies have reinforced the importance of sleep, demonstrating that high quality, regular, and restful sleep is excellent for our health and wellbeing.

To celebrate Sleep Month, we’ve examined a variety of ways to help you sleep better and take full advantage of the benefits sleep has to offer. Dive into the science behind what happens when we shut our eyes at night, gain insight on how to improve your sleep, and even track it for yourself with a Withings activity & sleep tracker or Aura.
It’s not always easy to sleep well, especially when so many factors can disturb your sleep. But don’t worry—we’ve got you covered!
Tips To Fight Insomnia
Bedtime Blues: Kids Who Don’t Sleep Can Compromise Your Family’s Health
To Snooze or Not to Snooze: The Truth About the Snooze Button
One of our solutions for dealing with lack of sleep in our busy lives? Napping!
3 Tips for a Restful Nap
Nap Habits Around the World
Beyond practical tips for sleeping better, we unpacked the latest scientific research on sleep, from its interplay with genes to its effect on the immune system and memory.
Researchers Discover Genes that Impact Sleep
Get Smart: Scientists Say Sleep Is Critical to Learning
Sleep Deprivation Makes You Sick, Says Your Mom & Science
That’s all we’ve got! Now go enjoy Sleep Month with a full 8 hours of shut eye.