Susie Felber
articles written
Susie is a writer and producer who has worked in nearly every medium. As the daughter of a hard-working M.D., she's had a lifelong interest in health and is proud that she continues to lower her 5k time as she ages.

Experience the New and Improved Withings Blog
December 1, 2016

Diabet’up Vs. Diabetes: Walking Towards Success
November 14, 2016

My First Marathon: Rachel Chang Goes the Distance in NYC
Health Icons
November 8, 2016

Actor Robert Picardo Embarks on a Health & Happiness Trek
Success Stories
October 28, 2016

Is ‘Amish Time’ The Life-Changing Habit For You?
October 6, 2016

10 Ways To Lose Weight Without Dieting
Wellbeing Tips
September 6, 2016

New: Log All Your Activities Right In Health Mate
August 3, 2016

How did the Euro championship game impact activity levels?
July 21, 2016

Data Shows Pokémon Go Causes Millennials To Walk More
July 13, 2016