Lucile Woodward is launching the 365 Body by Lucile program. Five people will selected to be coached for a year and achieve their health goals. Read on to learn more.
Lucile Woodward is launching the 365 Body by Lucile program this week. Five people will selected to be coached for a year and achieve their health goals. Withings joins the adventure by equipping each participant with a scale and a tracker to support them throughout the year and offer Lucile a way to better visualize their progress and challenge them!
How did you decide to become a blogger and especially a sports coach?
As a little girl, I was already dreaming of being a sports coach. At the age of 15, I discovered fitness in the small association in the city where I lived and my parents having encouraged me to study (and they were right!), I followed biology studies. After my bachelor’s degree, I turned to science journalism in Jussieu, where I learned a lot about the body and food. At 24, I had a job as a medical journalist, everything was going well in my life, but my dream of a little girl was bothering me, and I wanted to dare to realize it. So I left journalism and embarked on a year-long training course to obtain the diploma of sports coach. And it was by making my dream come true that I found my reason for professional life. I started writing articles for Doctissimo around fitness and fitness. Pregnant with my first child 6 years ago, I offered to make fitness videos during my pregnancy. At the time, I found very few good coaching videos on the web. So it was in the face of this frustration that I wanted to create something. Alas, the reaction time being long for this innovative project, I had already given birth! As a result, the first videos with Doctissimo were only 3-minute videos of fitness after pregnancy! But they were very successful and, in 6 months, we created a new YouTube channel and the “Fitness Master Class.” This is where my blog idea was born, in order to go further to answer internet users’ questions on placements, movements, teaching, but also to talk about balanced eating and interest in doing this or that sport according to their age.
What is special about your lifestyle? Can you tell us about one of your typical days?
My lifestyle is simple: I have no typical day! I am a mom like all moms, which is to say that I have 2 children who take care of me in the morning and in the evening, and in the meantime I work all day. I’m busy all the time, like all working moms! In addition, I try to eat well and play sports, so these are busy days. A typical day would be waking up at 6 am and doing 1 hour of yoga and drinking green tea … but that is not the case! I wake up at 7:15 am and it’s already a rush: dressing the 2 children, giving them breakfast, sharing the meal with them, then school at 8:30 am … so that’s the race.
Then, it depends: I’m at home and I’m writing, I’m filming in Paris, I’m going to train, I’m going to a press conference. Always adapting to professional needs, and I always have to do 1 hour of sport during the day. In the evening, I run to pick up my children at 5.30 pm at school, I play with them, I prepare a homemade dinner for them! But alas, sometimes I don’t have time because I’m exhausted. In fact, fatigue is often present, because in the evening, I resume my work from 9 pm to 11 pm — then I will finally go to bed.
What is your coaching program like?
My priority is to adapt to the profile of people. Everyone is different, there is no one sport method that works the same for everyone. Each level is different, everyone starts with or without being overweight, and the way of eating is specific according to the personalities, so my method is to adapt and progress. This implies starting slowly and then going further and further, giving the body enough time to adapt to sport and food. We do not gain 15kg in 3 weeks or 3 months so we do not lose 15 kg either in 3 weeks or 3 months. It takes time and my technique is precisely to leave time to time, to leave at least 1 year for the body to adapt to this new way of life and I think that it is really essential because it is necessary to return to sources and the slowness. The body does not react quickly. It is not possible.
Lucile wanted to go further in this process, and this week is launching a personalized coaching program to follow 5 very different people for a year.
What is 365 Body By Lucile and how does Withings support it in this new program?
After a crazy casting. After receiving more than 1,000 applications. After defining typical profiles, the webseries begins this week. Withings is part of the adventure by equipping each of them with a balance and an activity tracker. Throughout the year, they will be able to follow their progress in the application—in particular the weight, fat mass curve and their daily activity—and be able to share them daily with Lucile!
Whom have you selected?
I wanted to choose very different profiles in order to interest a maximum of people and show that my method works for all profiles as long as we adapt. There is a young future bride, a mother of two who gave birth less than five months ago, a woman over 40 who has tried everything and is really struggling, a person with morbid obesity that whom we will teach to sports without hurting her. It’s really a great challenge. I also have a 27-year-old young man who eats anything, who doesn’t play sports. It’s starting to show on his body, and he is asking for help.
How do you adapt your program to each profile?
I adapt the movements and rhythms to each profile. Obviously, you do not make an obese person who weighs more than 100 kg run, because there are too many risks for the knees, ankles and back, while for a young man of 27 who does not have weight problems, you can immediately go for a little more intense cardio. I especially adapt the movement to the situation of the body, injuries, and pain, and I also give a very important place to balanced eating and especially to rebalancing food without frustration.
How will the Withings scale and trackers help you monitor the participants?
For me, the balance is essential. The fact that applicants always weigh themselves with their scales, whether it’s written in the app -— and not with their grades and subjectivity — is paramount. So I’m sure they don’t cheat, I can see exactly where they are. The tracker will especially help me with people who are less athletic. For example, Emira, who absolutely has to go up the stairs, and walk every day. It will help me see if she’s doing it seriously, because in front of the coach they say they’re doing it, but cannot verify. With the tracker, they can’t cheat! Monitoring their sleep will help me a lot to know if they are in good shape, if they are not in over-training and if their body adapts well to what I offer them. Weight, number of steps, activity and sleep are paramount to me.